Man Arrested for Assaulting Student May Be Repeat Offender
San Jose resident Russell Kershaw arrested on suspicion of hitting individuals in Mountain ViewSophie MattsonTHE SANTA CLARAOctober 15, 2014[dropcap]A[/dropcap] man who allegedly assaulted a Santa Clara student is also suspected of committing two similar attacks in Mountain View.Russell Kershaw, a 27-year-old San Jose resident, allegedly punched a Santa Clara student in the face between Graham and Campisi Halls on Sept. 25.Philip Beltran, director of Campus Safety Services, said the Santa Clara Police Department arrested Kershaw on Oct. 1 after Campus Safety Services was notified that Kershaw had been seen on campus. According to a Santa Clara Police Department Crime Log, Kershaw was charged with assault and battery.
Kershaw is also suspected of committing two unprovoked assaults in Mountain View. According to a Mountain View Police Department crime blog, Kershaw is suspected of having punched a 63-year-old man on Sept. 26 and hitting a 46-year-old man in the head on Sept. 28.Mountain View Police Department arrested Kershaw on Oct. 5 and charged him with battery, according to the crime blog. Kershaw was booked in the San Jose Main Jail.Kershaw also allegedly assaulted another Santa Clara student on campus two days after he he was accused of attacking a student near Graham Hall.Freshman George Heekin said that Kershaw attacked him on Sept. 27 but that he chose not to press charges. The alleged attack took place between Swig and Dunne Halls.“I was walking down the street with my friends,” Heekin said. “The guy started yelling at me then grabbed my shirt to spin me around, and then hit me square in the jaw.”According to the Santa Clara County Superior Court, Kershaw had a court date scheduled on Oct. 8 in Palo Alto. Kershaw is also slated to appear in court on Oct. 28 in Palo Alto and Dec. 2 in San Jose. Contact Sophie Mattson at or call (408) 554-4852.