Campus Safety Report
Apr. 22: A male campus resident was observed defiantly drinking a beer in a Swig Residence Hall elevator. He was identified and also found in possession of two bags of marijuana, paraphernalia and unmarked pills. CSS confiscated and disposed of the items.
What’s The Real Cost of University Housing?
College is defined by a number of experiences: classes, student interaction, social life, professors and many other facets.When I interviewed students for my Hackworth fellowship application, I asked them to pick one aspect of their college experience that presented them with the largest issue. The answer was almost always the same–housing.
The Deep Weirdness of Kimmy Schmidt
“Whose ghosts are they? Why are they haunting Pac-Man? What did he do to them?” These are some of the important questions “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” asks in its second season.
Tom Brady Finally Brought to Justice
Tom Brady has spent his entire career surrounded by controversy. Whether it be spygate or Deflategate, he always seems to be in the spotlight for reasons other than his four Super Bowls.
Students Working Towards Housing Transparency
Included in this aggressive attempt to elevate the university’s position among the nation’s premier universities are plans for accepting more students and building dorms to accommodate them. Santa Clara showed leadership and a commitment to ethics when they ousted property managers known for poor response times and unfair pricing.
Queer Film Festival Tells “Untold Stories”
The vast majority of American films have been made about straight people. Through its second annual Queer Film Festival, the Rainbow Resource Center hopes to help the Santa Clara community explore and discuss intersectionality and LGBTQ+ portrayal in the media.
Students Calling for Refunds from College Party Company
Santa Clara students are demanding their money back after college party company I’m Shmacked raised over $30,000 for a concert advertised to be held near campus in February. Despite months of anticipation, the party hasn’t happened yet.
Women’s Basketball Hires Bill Carr
Following the surprising departure of JR Payne, who left Santa Clara for the University of Colorado Boulder, Athletic Director Renee Baumgartner was faced with a difficult situation–finding a coach to lead the women’s basketball team.
Campus Safety Report
Apr. 13: A female student was reported intoxicated after consuming several shots of vodka and an ecstasy tablet. CSS, SCU EMS and SCFD responded. Paramedics transported her to O’Connor Hospital.
Road to Locatelli: Presidential Candidates Vie for Top Spot
There was little disagreement among candidates at the Associated Student Government’s election debate last night. Three tickets for president and vice president spoke to approximately 30 members of the campus community.
Finding Forgiveness and Mercy From Within
On Thursday, April 7, the Bishop of San Jose, Patrick J. McGrath visited Santa Clara in response to an invitation from Christian Life Community.
2016 ASG Election Snapshot
Lauren Betschart, ASG Senate Chair and ASG VP of Finance, Lidia Diaz-Fong, Marketing Chair of ASG Public Relations Branch and LEAD scholar and Ray Whelan, Senator at large for Leavey School of Business and ACE leadership program member are all candidates for ASG President.
Runner Mobile App Takes Over Campus
For the last year, students have used the beloved “Runner: Tasks on Campus” Facebook page to request food deliveries, phones, furniture, concert tickets and transportation. Now, with a recently developed app, Broncos will able to request these goods from the convenience of their mobile phones.
A Visit to Cannery Row’s Crown Jewel
Today, Cannery Row is a boulevard full of suspiciously smelling seafood restaurants, knick-knack shops and cheap clothing stores, where T-shirts in the window say stuff like “I Got Crabs at (Insert Restaurant Name Here).” However, in the center of this prefabricated paradise stands a crown jewel: the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
The Life of Pablo and the Death of Permanence
As music migrated online, record labels became unnecessary, CD sales became meaningless and with the sloppy, stilted release of “The Life of Pablo,” Kanye West pioneered a new change—the in-progress album that gets finished in public.
Herb Sendek Picks up First Commitment
Herb Sendek picked up his first recruit as men’s basketball head coach last week when Julian Roche committed to Santa Clara. The center hopes to make impact on a a team with only one player taller than 6’9”.
Men’s Tennis Wins Tight Matchup with USF
The Santa Clara men’s tennis team took down USF this past weekend in a close 4-3 win. Earlier this season, Santa Clara lost to San Francisco 3-4 at the Mountain Pacific Invitational.
Whitewashing on the Big Screen
Using special effects to make a white actor look Japanese? No problem. Using a Japanese actor to play a Japanese role? Unthinkable. Scarlett Johansson signing on as the Japanese lead in “The Ghost in the Shell” has once again added fuel to the fire started by #OscarsSoWhite.